Stone of Truth

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Kaitlin's Spell Book

The caster imbibes the lite of truth in a gem, and it glows with color depending on the response of the person

System: The caster must take a flawless colorless gem. Size does not matter, but the gem must be flawless. The caster must set the stone to bathe in the light of a full moon. At the apex of the moons rise the caster must Tell the stone an obvious lie while burning a beeswax candle tinted with blood. And tell an absolute truth while burning a candle made from dust of the same gem. The number of successes on Ritual = number of answers/statements it will indicate are Lies, or Truth (according to the person holding the stone) Red glow for likes White glow for truth. Note this spell works with the knowledge of the holder of the gem. If the person holding the gem believes what they say to be truth, it will glow white (if the stone glows a charge is used). If the know it to be false it will glow red. If they do not know if it is true or not the stone does not glow, and no charge is used.

Warning: Neither of the Storytellers (Jamie or Bruce) recognize this ritual as having been researched and strongly suggest it be removed from the site until it has been researched. Upon initial inspection, it appears a reasonably weak variant of "Bone of Lies - L4 ritual; however, its strange that you would want to research it as your spellbook contains the superior ritual. If you have any questions, please contact either or both of us.

It was research about two iterations ago with the character "rashid" I researched because at the time I did not have bone of lies. And I needed somthing a bit more ashiera friendly.

Reply: Kate, I am sorry. I consulted with Jamie before placing the warning on your ritual. He confirmed that he never sanctioned this ritual and to the best of his recollection, it was not researched while he ran you in Cairo. No one is refusing to let you research the ritual and then use it, but at this time - it is not sanctioned by the storytellers.
Kaitlin: I just found my materials for this ritual. It was originally designed as a variant to the stone of truth. It was created because the Muslim followers of the bank Yashkur would not deal with the bone of lies. I had to create a variant that they would be ok using. I used it seleral times in game, but you are right, in this iteration, I would probably just use bone of lies. Though this could be a sneaky version.