Stone of Interdiction

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Jamie's Esoterica

Level 5 Thaumaturgy, based on Hermetic principles.

Based partially on Stone of the True Form, this ritual disrupts a different kind of magic: that of teleportation. It produces a rune covered lead sphere about an inch in diameter that can temporarily disrupt portals or the ability of a being to use a portal or otherwise teleport or travel between worlds by anything other than purely natural or technological means.

System: The caster produces a metal alloy using iron and leaden components of vehicles that stopped working due to age and wear. Runes that enforce reality are carved into the sphere in a ritual process that takes one hour. The sphere must be exposed to direct sunlight for one full day, as no subtle trickery or movement is possible in the harsh light of the sun.

Once completed, the sphere can be used to anchor a person or portal. It can only be activated wilfully (no accidental touches). If the sphere touches a person or portal, the caster rolls willpower, difficulty 8. A conscious and resisting target may resist with an opposed willpower roll (also at 8). Successes indicate how many rounds the target is anchored in reality, unable to teleport, leave the world in which he currently resides, or otherwise move in a nonlinear fashion. The sphere is permanent, and can be activated as often as once per round as a mental action. It may be thrown for strength bludgeoning damage. It holds enough un-etched space for a single ward (or other rune) to be written on it.

This is not part of any particular series.