Statistics for Niels Frank
Name: Niels Nature: Loner Gen./Blood: 10/1
Player: NPC (Raoul) Demeanor: Loner Haven: None
Chronicle: Paris, la nuit... Clan: Gangrel Concept: Hunter
App. Age: ~40 Sire: Siven Birth/RIP: 1174/1213
Attributes Physical Social Mental
Strength **** Charisma *** Perception ****
Dexterity ***** Manipulation * Intelligence ***
Stamina **** Appearance * Wits ****
Abilities Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness *** Animal Ken *** Academics
Athletics *** Crafts * Computer
Brawl ***** Drive Finance
Dodge ***** Etiquette Investigation **
Empathy *** Firearms Law
Expression Melee ** Linguistics **
Intimidation **** Performance Medicine
Leadership ** Security * Occult
Streewise Stealth *** Politics
Subterfuge Survival **** Science
Intrigue Hunting **** Lore, Kindred **
Lore, Camarilla *
Gangrel Knowl.
Paris Knowl. **
Secrets **
Advantages Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Animalism **** Status *** Conviction *****
Fortitude ***** Elder Status Instinct ***
Protean ***** Gangrel Prestige *** Courage ****
Celerity *** Esprit
Obfuscate **
Other Traits
Road of the Beast
- ***
- ***
Blood Pool
ooooo ooooo
Health Levels
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5