Spear of Quietus

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Arcane Objects

Spear of Quietus2.jpg


Although commonly known as the "Spear of Quietus" this weapon forged in the Underworld has many names,
in addition to its common moniker the spear is also identified by a variety of other sobriquets including,
but not limited to: the Spear of Bereavement, Cessation, Downfall and Destiny.


The Spear of Quietus was forged at the command of Hades for his subordinate, a goddess called Mors.
As the embodiment of physical death, Mors required a weapon that exemplified this idea and struck fear into
the hearts of mankind. Hades commissioned the three Cyclops brothers Brontes, Steropes, and Arges who were banished
to the Underworld by Apollo to create a unique weapon inspired by Hades' own Underworld Fork. Although less powerful
than the Underworld Fork, the Spear of Quietus received the blessings of the Fates, thus making the spear a weapon of
fate and an artifact of immense power. The spear was given to Mors with the caveat that the spear holds the powers of
death, destiny and passion, should she slay one not marked by destiny, the spear will revenge the illicit death and seek
out another welder.


Dominions: DEATH (+2), FATE (+2), PASSION (+2)

~ Danger Sense
~ Detect an approaching death in 5 mile radius
~ Open gate from one part of the Underworld to another and also to the living world
~ Shoots bolts (4xd10) of cold-fire at a cost of 1 divinity (lethal damage, aggravated damage to ghosts, undead & underworld demons) Roll = Dex + Firearms or archery
~ Aggravated Damage
~ Adds inherent divinity dice to intimidation
~ Inherent pool of 5 Divinity (5/5)

