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The soul-chain is an amulet containing a piece of birth caul, normally the caul of the individual the soul-chain is created for. When worn, the soul-chain protects the bearer's body from attack by spirits and disembodied (or dead) souls of all kinds. The number of successes the drabarne achieves while creating this amulet determines its effectiveness. The soul-chain has a defense score equal to 3 + its power if the caul is not from the bearer's birth. The soul-chain automatically defends the bearer's body while his soul is away and its power adds to the difficulty of any spirit attempts to affect the owner.
The bearer may also use the power of the soul-chain to grant him automatic successes when combating spirits. Each automatic success declared lowers the soul-chain's power level by one.
The soul-chain must be recharged (recreated) every year and a day or it will become inert. The piece of caul at the soul-chain's heart may be used over and over again in different soul-chains.