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Sorka's Weapons

Circa: 2282

Clan: Lhiannan

Sire: Lhiannan

Nature: Soldier


Current Generation: 6th

Born: 1976 Embrace: 1997

Apparent Age: High 20's

Physical: Strength 4 (Reserves of Strength), Dexterity 6 (Lightning Reflexes), Stamina 3

Social: Charisma 4 (Genteel), Manipulation 3, Appearance 5

Mental: Perception 5 (Discerning), Intelligence 5 (Analytical), Wits 6 (Combat Nerves)

Talents: Alertness 5(Noise, Small Details), Athletics 4(flight), Brawl 4, Dodge 5(in flight, in motion), Empathy 4, Expression 1, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 4, Instruction 3

Skills: Animal Ken 3, Crafts 5(sculpting, weapons), Drive 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms 5(two-weapon, sniper), Melee 6(two-weapon,parry), Performance 1, Security 6(Cameras, Electronic, Entering), Stealth 7(shadowing, crowds), Survival 4

Knowledges: Academics 5(European History), Computers 4, Bureaucracy 3, Finance 5(investment, hidden funds), Investigation 4, Law 1, Linguistics 5, Medicine 2, Occult 6(Shadowlands, Vampire, Elemental), Politics 4(league), Science 3, Rituals 6(weather, enchantment, elemental), Memory 3, City Secrets(New Orleans) 4, Dreaming 4(Finding intruders)

Disciplines: Animalism (4) Auspex (5), Celerity (3), Dominate (5), Fortitude (3), Necromancy (5), Obfuscate (7), Presence (5), Thaumaturgy (6), Visceratika (6)

Advanced Disciplines:Obfuscate (6) Mind Blank & Hide from the Machine, Obfuscate (7) Simalacrum, Thaumaturgy (6),Visceratika (6) Wear the Gargoyle Mantle

Necromantic Paths: Sepulchre Path (5), Path of Shroud Mastery (5)
Necromantic Rituals: Brian's Necromancy Spell Book
Thaumaturgic Paths: Path of Weather Control (5) Path of Blood (5), Path of Warding (5), Path of Transmutation (5), Path of Wind (5), The Hearth Path (4) The Green Path (4), Elemental Mastery (3), Neptune's Might (3)
Thaumaturgic Rituals: Brian's Thaumaturgy Spell Book

Backgrounds: Allies(4), Contacts (3), Generation (7), Influence(3), Mentor (7), Resources (5), Retainers (5), Progeny (2)

Virtues: Conviction 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 3

Path: Heaven 7

Willpower: 9


Merits: Silence 1pt



Slug-thrower 8 damage 3 shots per round max

Laser - 6 damage 4 shots per round max

Current EXP: 0 (as of 10/20/2012)

Languages Spoken: Gaelic, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, French, Russian, Cantonese, Magyer, Pharsee, Spanish, Choctaw, Cherokee, Portuguese

Ancient Languages: Babylonian, Anu Cipher, Latin, Egyptian, Hebrew, Enochian, Persian, Greek, Mayan