Solas an Scoláire

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Description: Every Magus needs light to study. It can bring dangerous to bring in torch's and oil lamps but electric light can be hard to find in underground secret libraries. This spells gives off light better than electric light but with ease and mystik of an older time.

Origin: Created by Sorka/Brian O'Rielly

Ingredients: Powdered gem stone; small piece of vampire flesh; herbs

Casting: Caster removes a small piece of his own flesh and grinds it dust.(doing 1 lethal damage) Combines powdered stone and herbs to the flesh within the casting circle. The caster then concentrates and intones his desired results. This creates the powder which can be used as an instant cast to create the light.

System: Caster rolls Int + Rituals, success equal number of times stone can be used. The powder lasts for year and day or until all 'uses' are exhausted. Color of fire will match the color of the stone used. Casts light beneath the flame that is steady and excellent for reading. Light above the flame will react normally with shadows and such. Size of the flame depends on how much powder is used, from a pinch equal to a candle flame to a fist full that is equal to a beach ball. The flame can be moved and stays where directed based on the will of the caster. Lasts until the next sunrise or sunset. The flame will react to normal wind and weather but will not go out with water. Caster can 'play' with the Flame provides no heat and has no combat use other than light source.