Snee's Statistics

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Nature: Bravo / Demeanor: Bravo
Gangrel 7 (from 9 via Diablerie)
Embraced 1525

Attributes Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 6 / Cha 2, Man 1, App 1 / Perception 4, Int 2, Wits 5


Talents: Expression: 1 / Alertness: 5 / Athletics: 6 / Brawl: 5 (Claw) / Dodge: 6 / Empathy: 2 / Intimidation: 5 / Leadership: 1 / Streetwise: 2 / Subterfuge: 3 (playing dumb)

Skills Animal Ken: 4 / Drive: 0 / Etiquette: 1 / Firearms: 1 / Melee: 5 (club) / Performance: 1 / Crafts: 1 / Stealth: 5 / Survival: 6

Knowledge: Academics: 0 / Computer 0 / Finance: 0 / Investigation: 3 / Law 0 / Linguistics: 4 / Medicine: 1 / Occult: 2 / Politics: 2 / Science: 0 / Gangrel Lore: 2 / Sabbat Lore: 1

Disciplines: Protean 6, Animalism 5, Fortitude 6, Potence 4, Celerity 3, Presence 2, Auspex 2, Obfuscate 4.
Discipline Techniques: Mortal Terror, Wolf's Lament, Badger's Hide, Enhance the Wild Ride
Advanced Disciplines: Protean: 6: Loki's Gift. Fortitude: 6 soak dice.

Backgrounds: Allies: 0 / Contacts: 1 / Domain: 3 (pack) / Generation: 7 / Herd: 2 (animals) / Influence: 0 / Mentor: 0 / Resources: 0 / Status: Gangrel 2, Sabbat 1.

Virtues: Instinct 5, Conviction 2, Courage 4, Road of the Beast 6, Willpower 6.