Sienneo Neroli's Statistics

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Sienneo Neroli

Circa: 2016 C.E.
City: Naples Italy
Clan: Toreador
Generation: 7th
Born: 1434 A.D.
Embrace: 1444 A.D.
Sire: Sire Wenceslas
Nature: Conniver
Demeanor: Child
Apparent Age: Prepubescent
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 6, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 6, Manipulation 6, Appearance 6
Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 5, Wits 6
Talents: Alertness 5 (crowds, noises, traps), Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 6 (back-step, dive, duck), Empathy 6 (commitments, desires, weaknesses), Expression 5 (conversations, poetry, storytelling), Instruction 6 (the Arts, etiquette, clan lore), Intimidation 3, Intrigue 4 (alliances, betrayals, plotting), Leadership 3, Legerdemain 5 (conjuring tricks, picking pockets, concealment),Seduction 6 (coy glance, feigned naivety, innocent denial), Style 6 (renaissance, religious, children's fashions), Subterfuge 6 (changing subjects, flattery, patter)
Skills: Commerce 3 (evaluation), Etiquette 5 (childhood conduct, courtly manners, foreign customs), Melee 3 (knives), Performance 6 (bawdy, courtly, shattering glass - expertise: singing), Ride 3, Ritualism 5, Stealth 6 (crawling, crowds, shadows), Survival 2
Knowledges: Academics 5 (European history), Investigation 3 (locate informant, search), Law 3 (Renaissance, Vampiric Traditions), Linguistics 5 (most European tongues), Occult 4 (clan lore, kindred lore), Politics 5 (heraldry, Renaissance, vampiric), Science 1, Theology 3 (debate, orthodoxy)
Disciplines: Auspex 6, Celerity 6, Dominate 3, Necromancy 5, Obtenebration 5, Potence 3, Presence 6
Advanced Disciplines: Auspex 6 (Crocodile's Tongue - pg.72 - Revised Toreador Handbook), Presence 6 (Passion - pg.204 - Dark Ages Vampire Core-book)
Discipline Techniques: Bliss (Dominate 2, Presence 3): pg.73-74.
Necromantic Paths: Sepulchre Path 5
Rituals: A few dozen of the most common and a handful of the most rare.
Backgrounds: Allies 6 (manus nigrum), Contacts 6 (children of prominent families), Generation 6, Influence 4 (fashion), Resources 5 (church banking), Retainers 5 (random family), Clan Status 4, Manus Nigrum Status 3 (Elder Field Agent)
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Road: Humanity 7
Willpower: 9
Merits: Blush of Health (2pt - physical), Artful Visionary (2pt - mental)
Flaws: Child (4pt - physical),
Secrets: Sienneo is one of the Children created by the Conspiracy of Issac.