Si'Nala backstory

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Nala remembers her hatching. It is not something all dragons remember, but she was special, and remembers the what it was like when the light first touched her eyes. She remembers her mother, and her grandmother there to witness as she crawled her way from her shell. Her family was a great one. She is a direct descendant of the True Dragon Skarithlatarginda one of e greatest of the blue dragons. Because her bloodline is so pure, her family are known for their blueish color, and their lightning breath (and sometimes temper). Life among her clan was hard. Though fairly wealthy, none of hype hatchlings were given an easy life. She and her brood mates were trained from an early age. Looked on every now and then, by the bearer of “The Eye of Skarith.” When she was young, this person was her grandmother. She knew that her grandmother was a great and powerful woman. A warrior, and a sorcerer, and of course a traveler. That is what being the bearer means. While many in the family be some part of the company of Scar, the mercenary company. One is chosen to lead the family, and one is chosen to bond with the artifact. Each of these people have different, and in some ways opposite jobs. The head of the family must stay and watch over our estate, while the Bearer is required to travel and see the world. It was when she was 15 that her grandmother chose her to be the next Bearer, it was a great honor, and while it meant she cannot fight with her company, it also means that she would be able to see the world.

When she was chosen among all the family to be the next bearer, she was told the story, of what it means to wear this powerful jewel. The jewel is given only to the most worth of the clan. The person who shows that not only can they handle themselves in battle, but are also the most honorable, and can lead others. The reason for this, is that once they wear the stone, it cannot be removed short of death. Once in a lifetime, each bearer can bequeath the stone to another. If the bearer dies, the stone will magically transport in self to that person. It is thought to aid the bearer and guide her twords her destiny and the further the goals of the clan. Si’nuri (Nala’s grandmother) said that it was originally part of huge hordes of an ancient blue dragon. Ancestor to the clan. This dragon ebbed it with great power and wore it on her brow for millennia. During this time it grew in power and developed almost a life of its own. While not a requirement, most of the bearers of the jewel were female. The reasons for this are not concrete, but the ancestor was female, and it is tradition to do so. There have been instances in the past where it was past to a male clan member, but that was because no female members were suitable at the time, or in one case, because he was so much the obvious choice. It is rumored that the great dragon can see all that the jewel sees, and in order to please this ancestor we must give it new experiences. Those that do well, are granted a place by her side in the afterlife, those that do not... Will it is best not to speak of.

When Si’Nuri died at the hands of the elves, Nala knew at once, as there was a searing pain on her brow, and she found herself the new bearer of the jewel. As the memories, and powers of those who came before her flooded into her mind Nala, now Si’Nala, knew that her days of training on the clan grounds were over and she must go and find her way in the world. Her first goal is to find the elves that slew her grandmother, and make sure that she does not go un avenged. She knows that this goal may takes some time, a she does not have much to go on. But she will use all her resources towards that goal, and the meantime she will go where the wind takes her.

--Notes for the storyteller--

Clan Rakurai 落雷 is an Honor bound, ancient family, The Eye of Skarith is a Star sapphire (cabochon) worn on head about use size of a quarter. Sign of the clan, almost priceless in value both monetarily and in value to the clan. Whomever is chosen to bear the mark of the clan, is bound to the stone. They cannot remove it while alive, and must wear it proudly. While it can be covered, it is a shameful act to do so.

Aside from the bequeathing power, I have very carefully not mentioned any other powers. Figuring you can add what you wish, though I think it would be cool if they grew in power similar to the heirloom sword of the samurai.) what I would like is for it to be some form of previous bearer knowledge, how you wish to bring that in the story is up to you.