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Gods of Faerun

Shaundakul (pronounced SHAWN-da-kul[1]), is a fictional Faerûnian lesser deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. He is the deity of the wind and portals, travelling and travellers, rangers and exploration, caravans and caravaneers, as well as mining and miners.

Shaundakul, the Rider of the Winds, was the god of travel and exploration in old Myth Drannor. His worshippers were humans and half-elves, mostly rangers and miners exploring the Moonsea area. He was a god for brave adventurers and travelers (including, notably, caravan merchants). His major temple in the Realms was Shaundakul's Throne in Myth Drannor, though he had many shrines in the North (if you find a stone dais atop a high place, crowned with a stone seat or throne and accompanied by one or more stone pillars pierced with holes that the wind whistles through, you have found one of them). When Myth Drannor fell and its people were slain or scattered, Shaundakul's worship dwindled, leaving only a few scattered priests throughout the North. Since the withdrawal of the elves from the woods surrounding Myth Drannor, the ruined city has lain open for exploration, and Shaundakul has started to gain followers again. Shaundakul dwells on the Prime Material Plane, in the ruins of Myth Drannor. His symbol is a pointing hand surrounded by swirling winds.

He manifests bodily as a bearded man who wears a traveler's cape and is armed with a greatsword called "The Sword of Shadows". The goddesses Beshaba and Shar are in opposition to him. His festival day "Windride" is celebrated on the 15th day Tarsakh.