Shackles of Blood

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The wangateur must spill three points of her own blood, numerous herbs (with both healing and hallucinogenic effects), various peppers, tobacco, and the heart of a recently deceased person (male if the intended victim of the ritual is female, female if the victim is male) into a nganga. The mixture is then stirred with an iron rod as many of the orishas including the Asa Osan, are invoked. This takes three full hours of stirring. The result must then be strained through unbleached cotton. The liquid produced, when drunk by the subject, creates an instant - though temporary - emotional attachment that is equivalent to a blood bond. This occurs even if the victim has never fed from the magician. The bond thus created has all the characteristics of the regent-thrall relationship.
System: The false bond lasts a number of nights equal to the caster's net successes. The caster may attempt to create a true blood bond with the victim during this time if the ritual lasts long enough. If the ritual expires before a true bond is formed, however, any partial bonds are instantly nullified, as if the victim had never fed from the magician. The Storyteller may wish to make the casting roll for the character in secret, so the wangateur does not know how many nights remain before the ritual lapses.
Obviously, few Kindred will willingly imbibe this mixture if they have any notion of its true effects, so wangateurs have learned to be creative. Kindred who feed from a mortal who has consumed this mixture within the past 24 hours are themselves effected as though they themselves had drunk it directly; practitioners of Wanga have developed all sorts of techniques for taking advantage of this unusual property of the elixir.