Sestra Magda

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Nosferatu -x- Zagreb

Nosferatu Sestra Magda.jpg

Sestra Magda made her first appearance in Zagreb shortly after the Liberation. Primogen Skirlech vouches for her, and claims that her information was invaluable in taking the city, but occasional whispers accuse her of either cowardice or collaboration. With the collection of secrets she has somehow amassed, there is little doubt she could do the city a great deal of damage. Thus far, not even the Tremere have discovered how she knows what she knows.

Magda dresses as a nun, allowing part of her scarred face to show, framed by her severe, conservative wimple. She is of medium height, but none know what color her hair might be, if she has any. Her eyes are obscured by thickly scarred lids, but appear to be mismatched: One dark, murky brown and the other a clear blue-gray.

The Sestra (sister) can usually be found by asking for her at a side door of one of the outbuildings of the Zagreb Cathedral, the seat of the Archbishop of Zagreb. Barring that, she can be found in Elyssium on important occasions.