Sanguineous Duplication

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Jamie's Esoterica

Rank 3 Hermetic Thaumaturgy, using principles of Alchemy and to a lesser extent, Geomancy.

This ritual transforms one point of vampiric vitae into a duplicate of another. Thus, the blood of a 6th generation Tremere can be transformed into that of an 8th generation Ventrue, or a of 14th generation Catiff. The point of vitae to be transformed must be of at least as potent a generation as that to be duplicated - thus, the 14th generation Catiff vitae could not be transformed into that of the 8th generation Ventrue.

Materials: Two points of vitae: one "Master" to be copied, and one "working" point to be turned into a "clone." Extensive alchemical apparati, reagents, and incense to be combined with the vitae.

Casting: This arduous ritual requires attention on five successive nights (though it requires only the standard 15 minutes work for a level 3 ritual on each). The caster alchemically purifies the "working" vitae, drawing out the essence of the original donor; her identity, clan and generation; and finally leaving a sanguineous tabula rasa to work with. Simultaneously, he creates an imprint of the "Master" vitae to be duplicated by bubbling the smoke from various incenses through it, and introducing it to various reagents which are then precipitated out. On the fifth night, the caster infuses the now blank "working" vitae with the precipitates and captured smoke, transforming it into a "clone" of the original Master.

While it may seem logical that this "stored identity" could be kept for later use, such experimentation has failed. Indeed, the two processes must be carried out simultaneously, in a precise geomantically significant arrangement. Indeed, it may be that the subject vitae is not being so much "cleansed" as attuned to its new identity.

System: The caster must make the standard intelligence + rituals roll each night: Only one success is required each night, but failure on any single roll ruins the entire attempt.

Once completed, the new "clone" vitae has all the properties of the "Master" taken from the original donor: It is blood from a 8th generation Ventrue or 14th generation Caitiff. It even occupies the proper volume. It does not, however, bear any personal identity: not that of the its true donor nor that of the the vitae it duplicated. While more powerful auguries will be able to discover that the blood is counterfeit, determining its original source will be beyond most Thaumaturges.

Taste of Vitae discovers that the vitae came from a vampire of the false donor's clan and generation and blood pool (when the duplicated blood was taken), with whatever impurities that exist in the real blood point. Information about when the donor last fed come from the real donor of the blood being tested, which may or may not seem odd, depending on how the vitae was obtained.

Biothaumaturgic Forensics yields information consistent with the donor of the Master vitae: It cannot "name" the vampire, but it can determine what powers that the vampire has.

Blood Walk yields nothing. The caster is left to his or her own devices as to determining why.

Commentary: Brian believes that identity cannot be so easily counterfeited, so the duplication is not entirely complete. I think it is possible, given an existing sample to work from, but I bow to the Storyteller in this case.

Are there any other blood-based auguries that should be considered?