Sabina's Statistics

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Vibia Sabina
Circa: 2013 C.E.
Haven: Esparto Fortress in Pazardzhik Province - Bulgaria
Clan: Salubri
Generation: 6th
Born: 83 C.E.
Embrace: 136 C.E.
Sire: Evandrus the Cyclops
Nature: Judge
Demeanor: Caregiver
Apparent Age: Early 50s
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 7, Stamina 7
Social: Charisma 7, Manipulation 6, Appearance 6
Mental: Perception 7, Intelligence 7, Wits 7
Talents: Alertness 7, Athletics 6, Brawl 6, Dodge 7, Empathy 7, Expression 5, Intimidation 4, Leadership 5, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 6
Skills: Animal Ken 4, Commerce 4, Crafts 6, Drive 1, Etiquette 7, Performance 6, Ride 5, Stealth 5, Survival 4
Knowledges: Academics 7, Investigation 5, Law 5, Linguistics 6, Medicine 7, Occult 7, Politics 7, Science 5, Seneschal 4, Theology 7 (Confession, Debate, Exposition)
Disciplines: Auspex 7, Celerity 7, Fortitude 7, Obeah 7, Obfuscate 7, Potence 7, Presence 7, Thaumaturgy 7
Discipline Techniques: Such minor manipulations of the blood, do not interest Vibia.
Thaumaturgic Paths: Rego Vitae 5, Rego Motus 5, Creo Ignem 5, Mutatio Vitae 5 (This path and its attending rituals are the means by which the Salubri Antitribu were created.)
Rituals: Many.
Backgrounds: Allies 5 (neo-Roman cultists), Contacts 6 (professors of medicine), Fame 1 (Roman historians), Generation 7, Herd 5 (medical students), Influence 6 (state sponsored healthcare), Resources 5 (ancient treasures), Retainers 5 (bodyguards), Status 5 (clan - survivor)
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
Path of Enlightenment: Via Humanitas 8 (In Golconda for over a millennium, but now teetering on the edge)
Willpower: 9
Merits: Blush of Health (2pt physical), Iron Willed (3pt mental), Protected (5pt Social - Tal'mahe'Ra)
Flaws: Stubborn (2pt mental)
Vibia Sabina