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Dice Pool: Intelligence + Politics
Cost: 4 Divinity
Description: It is no easy task to supply an army consisting of hundreds of thousands of soldiers spread out across the globe. Acquiring the material, processing it and transporting it to keep each soldier equipped with everything from food and ammunition to boots to prophylactics is a truly epic accomplishment of logistics. It boils down to this: the army that gets what it needs will win, and the one that doesn’t will crumble.

Supply Chain allows a Avatar to just happen to have received a recent supply of whatever he needs at the moment. When activating this power, the Avatar decides on one small item, which could be anything from a clip of ammunition to clean socks to a roll of currency for whatever country you happen to be liberating this week. The only limitation is that the item must be small enough to fit inside a pocket.

The Avatar using this Power must have a pocket from which to produce the item, so someone who has been stripped down and sent to a POW camp cannot call upon this power until he reclaims his original gear. A single success is enough to acquire any item, but should a Avatar fail, he cannot use this Power to produce that particular item again until after he has returned to base or received a new supply dump in the field. He may use this power to produce other items during that time, but once he comes up short on a particular item he stays short. A botch on the roll means that the character cannot use this power at all until he has been resupplied in the usual way.