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SIF -- Goddess of the Harvest

Aliases: None

Wife to Thor, Sif is the only Goddess that can balance his storm, both power and temper. Married to him, the harvests are abundant and rich. Considerate, compassionate, and enduring, these are the traits that Sif embodies. Often times, she was the one to make peace out of disputes, even when Loki was involved. When the trickster God cut the golden hair that spilled down her beautiful frame, Thor threatened to behead Loki with his hammer (roughly as painful as it sounds). Quick to act, Loki promised recompense and sought out the dwarves, asking them to make a headpiece to restore Sif’s lost hair. They complied and her golden tresses returned, made of metal rather than hair. The Goddess suffered in the same way as a harvest is plucked; with action and renewal and the work of metal, the harvest will grow once more.

Sif is one of the more archaic gods. Associated with the earth, she moves to protect the harvest and to add warmth. Even though she must deal with blight and vermin, she does so with grace and surety. Her sharp nose and keen intellect stay with those to whom she speaks, even long after the shine of her golden hair fades from their eyes.

In modern times, Sif finds herself in diverse roles, and her Scions are equally diverse. She is found to be a mediator, a ce- lebrity chef focused on the fresh and local, and a cattle heiress. She is fair and level-headed, but is quick to remind her Scions about the harsh qualities of life. Crops suffer to pollution, insects, and wildlife — and only the strongest harvest with the strongest workers endures. Her Scions are as passionate as they are hard workers: Type-A personalities who live by their calendars. Like Sif, they are competitive, and seek to surmount whatever goal is in their way with grace and ease.

Provinces: Creator, Guardian, Lover