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Dice Pool: Choose one Attribute + one Ability to accomplish your chosen goal.

Cost: Spend 1 Divinity

Description: You take on a form that is symbolically associated with one of your other Purviews. For example, Zeus drew on the associations of the Sky Purview to become all sorts of birds, a shower of gold, and a bull (which sounds a great deal like thunder, up close). This transformation is perfect in the details and undetectable through non-magical means, but doesn’t alter any of your Attributes, Skills, or other traits. However, depending on the form you assume, you can gain the following benefits:

• +1 Scale on all actions with a single Physical Attribute of your choice

• Any special forms of movement that shape possesses.
• Any natural attacks that shape possesses.
• Any miscellaneous abilities the Storyteller decides the shape should have, like a cloud being able to rain.