Revert the Beast

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Protean 7

This power allows a vampire to revert temporarily to their mortal likeness, suppressing the animal features resultant of frenzy. Not all Gangrel elders display this power, and the use of it is cause for discussion in many a Gather. Indeed, some Gangrel see it as a distasteful denial of their true nature. The extent of the revision is variable and unreliable, but for many of the oldest Gangrel, it is the only way to return to the way they were.

System: The player spends three blood points and makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 6). The number of successes determines how any bestial features fade from view:

These features remain hidden for the duration of the scene or until the vampire falls into frenzy. A vampire also gains back lost Social Attributes with the use of this power, one for each success.

One Success One Feature
2 Four Features
3 Nine Features
4 16 Features
5 25 Features
6+ Successes All Features