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Koldunism Level 1

The koldun draws upon the elements present in a location to learn more information about the area. The caster need simply take any object from the room, area or location. the object must consist primarily of natural materials, rather than synthetic; thus a pencil suffices, but a notebook computer does not. Within the next 24 hours, the koldun may cast this ritual over the item. For a number of turns equal to her successes plus her Willpower, her mind travels to the area from which the object was taken, and she may proceed to examine it in detail, even going so far as to look behind furniture or inside drawers that she did not search before. She observes the area exactly as it was when she took the object. This ritual is particularly useful for searching the haven or offices of an enemy at leisure. Any give object may be used only once, after which it becomes useless for purposes of this ritual.

Notes: Unbalanced. A level one that is better in many ways than level 3 auspex - psycheometry, and provides similar information (sometimes better and harder to get) than level 4 scrying. Koldunism usually makes up for power with great expenditure, but that is not remotely done here either. Interesting idea, level 4, and spend a lot - willpower, and blood sacrifice. -Jamie