Record Recall Sensation

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Discipline Techniques

Vicissitude 2, Auspex 3 or Auspex 4

Many Sinners, most notably Voluptuaries and the heartless, constantly search for new and better ways to grant various sensations to themselves and to others. Record/Recall Sensation is a power used for just such effects. While Sinners of the Tzimisce Clan discovered it, those Toreador and Malkavians who have learned the art of flesh-crafting have shown a great deal of interest in the ability. This power literally allows for the user to "record" a certain sensation, be it excruciating pain from torture or the blissful ecstasy of the Kiss, storing it and then later "playing it back," either upon herself or another.

System: If the wielder only knows the basic version of Record/Recall Sensation, then physical touch is required both for "recording" and "replaying" a sensation. The advanced version forgoes this requirement; only a clear view of the target is required.

In order to "record" a sensation, either one experienced by oneself or by another, the user's player must roll Perception + Empathy. The Storyteller determines the difficulty based on the intensity of the sensation. The pleasure a woman would feel at hugging her husband would be difficulty 9: the pain a victim of a master torturer feels would be difficulty 4. If the roll is successful, the sensation can be "stored" for a number of nights equal to the number of successes. Sensations can be stored longer by spending a point of Willpower when the time is up, adding another night to the duration.

In order to "replay" the sensation in oneself, all that is required is a moment of concentration. The user feels everything the victim felt at the time, including any wound penalties and/or possible loss of temporary Willpower due to torture or incapacitation due to ecstatic bliss. In order to "replay" in others, the player must roll Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty equal to the target's Willpower). Once the sensation is "replayed," it is usually lost. If the user replays a sensation on herself, however, her player may spend a point of Willpower to keep the experience stored.

Experience Cost: 21 or 28