Qlippothic Matter

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Mage Information -W&W- Nephandi -W&W- Qlippoth


Qlippothic matter is the sphere of ruining objects and removing the properties of matter.

(1) - Detect flaws and impurities - The ability for a Nephandus to be able to see the weakness of the matter in the world around him or her allows them to more effectively destroy the warp and weft of reality.
(2) - Create Qlippothic matter - Qlippothic matter is notoriously inert and useless; it is not affected by most forces, cannot sustain life or be used for anything. It is also very hard to destroy or get rid of, and just accumulates as dirt or garbage.
(3) - Remove properties of matter - The mage can remove properties such as cohesion, color, strength or nourishment.
(4) - Transmute matter into Qlippothic matter - Changing matter that others are depending on into Qlippothic matter creates questions
(5) - Create pure qlippothic matter - Pure qlippothic matter is very hard to affect by any form of magick, and almost indestructible. It just ties up Quintessence so that it cannot be used.