Qlippothic Forces

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Mage Information -W&W- Nephandi -W&W- Qlippoth


Qlippothic magic does not deal with the balanced flows of energy the Traditions and Technocracy uses. Instead it creates and controls unbalanced, destructive forces or the lack of energy. The forces a qlippothic mage wield are usually violent or somehow corrupting (electricity is filled with spikes, gravity tugs in different ways at once).

(1) - Detect potentials - The mage can detect potentials where energies attract or repel each other. At such points the slightest change could break the equilibrium and cause disruption.
(2) - Disrupt lesser forces - Normally ordered forces such as light or electricity can be disrupted, loosing their usability and becoming irritating or destructive. Electronic devices break down or are destroyed, light becomes gritty and strangely unable to help perceptions.
(3) - Destroy lesser forces - The mage can not only create forces, he can also destroy them. Light can be turned into darkness, electricity drained and sound dampened.
(4) - Disrupt greater forces - Now the mage can make any force begin to counteract itself. Tidal forces can rip apart objects, heat concentrate itself and moving vehicles start to tumble chaotically.
(5) - Destroy greater forces - The mage can now remove gravity or drain heat. In principle he can remove all forces from something, making it dissolve into dead matter.