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The Puttanesca (formerly Putanesca) are a bloodline of the Hecata, formerly being one of the minor families of the vampiric clan Giovanni.


The Puttanesca's very name translates as "of the whore"; they are a Sicilian family of low-rent criminals, pimps, and thugs with ties to the Mafia that the Giovanni acquired in the 1660s to do the family's "dirty work". Largely ignorant of necromancy, the average Puttanesca has a temper that would even put a Brujah to shame. Not the type to forgive and forget, they are consumed with the concept of vendetta and are usually employed by the clan as leverage against enemies.

V5 Changes

In an effort by the Giovanni to compartmentalize and divest their direct connections to organized crime into a separate component, the Puttanesca were recognized as their own bloodline within the Hecata at the Family Reunion.

Notable Members

  • Don Mateo Putanesca -- Don Mateo was one of the progeny of Claudius Giovanni and is currently the familial head of the Putanesca branch of the Giovanni Clan.


  • VTM: Clanbook: Giovanni Revised, p. 32
  • VTM: Cults of the Blood Gods, p. 226
