Psychic Tracker

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Infernal Investments

Description: Infernalists with this investment can listen to the conversations and track someone they know using clairaudience (the power to hear sounds said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience or capacity). This power will not give the infernalist, the location of his or her target, but the infernalist will know when they are getting closer to the target. This power costs one Blood Point per each hour of use.
System: The infernalist must expend a point of blood and then roll Perception + Occult at a difficulty of 6 in order to hear the conversation of his target; this investment is not limited by mundane distance, but can only function on the infernalist's current plane of existence. It is important to remember that the infernalist can only target one individual at a time, but may use this investment as many times in an hour as he or she desires. In order to triangulate the position of his target, the infernalist must roll Perception + Occult at a difficulty of 8 and accrue 5 or more successes to precisely pinpoint the target; of course nothing says the infernalist really needs to know the precise location in order to make use of this investment, as a lesser number of successes still provides useful direction.