Prophesies of Apollo

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Ostanes Character Sheet

Prophesies of the Mask of Apollo

19th Century

London Prophesies

  • June 14st, 1900 -- Uttered by the Mask of Apollo after prompting by the mage Ostanes about three approaching awakened beings: "What did Apollo say again Keith?"


  • June 21st, 1900 -- The Scions of Sukese, tread the plane, along the edges of Poseidon's path. Poseidon's domain is anathema and ultimate attraction of these wandering tricksters. Shodosi's Tears will either heal the earth or render it barren. When the equinox ends the Scion of Sukese will either rule or be banished. Searchest thou for Vesta's Mask?

20th Century

21st Century

Melbourne Prophesies

About Seth Petocs: He's going to the Cup

To Czere: You will learn a lot from the Cup

Reference to a dream, talking to Czere:

    Natasha I dreamed about Seth holding a stone cup, you know one of those fancy cups.  I have used them at those fancy parties Seth used to take me to them.
    Czere: Crystal?
    Natasha: No, stone.  And it scares me for some reason.  I don't know why.

London Prophesies

  • December 15th, 2042 -- Uttered by Natasha at the Ocean Estate Chantry in London at 10pm -- "Seek out the Baroness for Apollo is rising."
  • December 16th, 2042 -- Uttered by Natasha at the main Tremere Chantry in London at 18:15 -- "The Darkness is coming. Can you feel it?"
  • December 16th, 2042 -- Uttered by Natasha at the main Tremere Chantry in London at 18:15 -- "Time has to balance itself."
  • December 16th, 2042 -- Uttered by Natasha at the main Tremere Chantry in London at 18:15 -- "The two of you together are creating ripples in the temporal sphere."