Power-Object Fixation

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The vampire afflicted with this derangement has invested much of her self-confidence in an external object, to the point where she believes she cannot function properly without its presence. such a derangement is often linked to some past trauma in which the object in question played a major role - although not always in the obvious way. For instance, a victim might fixate on his dead fiancée's engagement ring if holding his fiancée's hand was his only source of comfort during hard years, but another individual might focus on the belt her father beat her with as a source of strength.

Victims of this fixation lose two dice from all their dice pools if somehow separated from their object of focus. It is hard to hide this fixation from careful observers; in times of stress, the vampire must make a Willpower roll to avoid cradling the object to her torso, rubbing it obsessively or otherwise physically comforting herself with its presence.

This derangement sometimes spawns other related derangements over time. The fixated person may, for instance, develop multiple personalities related to the object - the aforementioned abuse victim might develop a bullying personality much like her abusive father's, and so on.