Player Experience -- Lord Blake -- May of 2014
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- (05/05/14) = 28xp + 1xp = 29xp (+1 for Storytelling Houston for Morgan and Jamie in February of 2032)
- (05/09/14) = 29xp + 1xp = 30xp (+1 for Storytelling Sleepy Hollow for Brian & Keith)
- (05/12/14) = 30xp + 4xp = 34xp (+1 Automatic, +1 Role-play, +1 Heroism (protecting Ahmal), +1 Learning: While I have long had and still do have reservations about the creation of childer, now that I have Embraced Ahmal, I feel an uncharacteristic desire to see him survive and succeed. -- London -- September 2031)
- (05/16/14) = 34xp + 1xp = 35xp (+1 for Storytelling Houston for Morgan and Jamie in February of 2032)
- (05/17/14) = 35xp + 1xp = 36xp (+1 for Storytelling Houston for Morgan and Jamie in February of 2032)
- (05/18/14) = 36xp + 1xp = 37xp (+1 for Storytelling Dresden for Brenda, Haley, Jason and Kyle in October of 2031)
- (05/20/14) = 37xp + 1xp = 38xp (+1 for Storytelling Houston for Morgan and Jamie in February of 2032)
- (05/25/14) = 38xp + 1xp = 39xp (+1 for Storytelling Dresden for Brenda, Jason and Kyle in October of 2031)
- (05/29/14) = 39xp + 7xp = 46xp (+1 Automatic, +1 Learning, Role-play +1, Heroism +1, Wisdom +1, Success +1, Danger +1, London in October of 2031)
- (05/29/14) = 46xp - 15xp = 31xp (I am expending 15xp to raise my character's Potence from 3 to 4)
- (05/29/14) = 31xp - 6xp = 25xp (I am expending 6xp to raise my character's Willpower from 6 to 7)
- (05/29/14) = 25xp - 6xp = 19xp (I am expending 6xp to raise my character's skill of Crafts from 3 to 4)
- (05/29/14) = 19xp - 1xp = 18xp (I am expending 1xp to purchase my character's first specialty in Military Science)
- (05/29/14) = 18xp - 6xp = 12xp (I am expending 6xp to raise my character's talent of Alertness from 3 to 4)