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The Morgan Collection

The Phylactery produced by Marius is very different from any other ritual known by the same name. This ritual is very involved with the practice of diablerie and has only ever been cast twice. The specifics of this ritual involve the very foundations of the curse of Kaine, the concepts of the soul, the practices of some spirits and their extension of their essence to produce gifts for the werewolves and investments for infernalists.

system: The ingredients for and requirements of this ritual include but are not limited to the expenditure of 3 willpower points in order to split off a portion of the casters soul and the permanent loss of a generation. The caster choosing to mutilate himself in this way must choose a mortal, (not a ghoul, revenant, werewolf, mage, faerie or any other type of supernatural) in whom he will place a portion of his soul, (not an easy or light thing to contemplate or bring oneself to do)who will act as the receptacle for this parcel of soul matter. The following benefits of this transaction are as follows.

1.The caster will always know the exact location of his phylactery unless he is separated from it by umbral boundaries, (the shroud, the gauntlet etc.)

2.The caster may command the receptacle as with dominate by will alone, this requires no line of sight, hearing or other natural senses and may be done from anywhere in the same reality.

3.If the caster should meet the final death in any way other than being diablerized, then the remainder of his soul will immediately be drawn into the receptacle. The caster will immediately take permanent possession of this body which will become embraced and it is now of one generation weaker than his original one. The soul/essence of the receptacle is absorbed by the caster and is gone forever.

If the receptacle should be killed, the generation stored withing him/her is forever lost. The generation within the receptacle can be "diablerized" by another cainite and said generation can be gained by this cainite if the reduced generation of the caster is more potent than the cannibal.

The caster may choose to consume the receptacle and regain the lost generation.

The benefit that the receptacle receives are as follows:

1.Just like a ghoul, the receptacle ceases to age but doesn't require vitae in order to maintain this limited form of immortality.

2.The receptacle gains the ability to soak lethal damage at a one higher difficulty than normal soaks for vampires.

3.The receptacle will heal all non-agravated wounds at double normal rates unless this damage would normally kill him/her.