Petko Andonov

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Code Name: Thin Man

Appearance: Petko Andonov is the visage of his nickname, thin. Thin, with bland washed out features that are almost immediately forgettable. He is of average height and has the thin ranginess of a life-long runner. His eyes are a faded brown that seem to take everything in without giving anything back in return. While Petko's natural hair color is a kind of dirty dishwater-blond, that is largely an academic issue as he is a master of disguise who changes his hair color to suit the situation at hand. Petko's face is narrow and like the rest of him thin, but with the application of cosmetics and false beards or mustaches he can become nearly any male body type, and he has successfully experimented with cross-dressing for unusual operations. Of habits and haberdashery, Petko is metamorphic and changes these details to blend in or live up to the new role; when dealing with the other members of Jeremy's security staff, he dresses in sweaters, slacks, men's professional shoes of good quality and a variety of tasteful trench coats, which are his signature item of clothing.

Behavior: In terms of personality, there are actually two Petkos, one side of him is his in-character persona that changes with circumstances related to his mission, the other is a quiet, introspective man who watches everyone and everything around him. In his 'normal' persona, he is usually quiet, until spoken to directly, then he is succinct to a fault. In character he warms up and has a variety of speech patterns and habits: from the syrupy dulcet tones of the North American south, to rhyming slang patter of London's East End, to the snooty Parisian everyone hates, he has a rainbow range of accents and can copy any speech pattern with only a minute or two of study.


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