Path of the Wondering Child

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The Roads

Proposed Path on the Road of Humanity


While followers of Via Anima blur the distinction between acting human and being human, Wonderers try to experience all that this world has to offer. As we all stem from humanity humans have the most to experience. By being immortal you have the chance to know that which no human can within their one lifetime. If you are to grow, you HAVE to find new things to experience, new things to create, else you are left with nothing.

The path of renewal encourages the vampire to be in a constant state of learning and change. Seeking new things to create and expierence. By doing so, the path teaches the Beast can be made to forget itself, to become lost in the joys of life and so lose its desire to do harm. In this manner, the Beast is not so much defeated as it relents to simple pleasures and the idea that your mark is made each time you create something. Such vampires take their joy not in power, but in the thrill of a new sensation, the smell of new foods, the very act of painting, or building a community for generations to come. To these Cainites, it is participation in an endeavor, or what one chooses to leave behind, that defines a person, not a conscious effort to adhere to human morality.

While few Wonderers are so naïve as to believe that a new thrill a month will keep the beast at bay. They recognize the value, both personal and societal, in acting like normal productive beings. If nothing else, such conduct defies the lure of the Beast and yields up to it no strength with which to cause the Cainite to offend against others or herself. Salvation is not found in personal reflection or parody of human action; true humanity is discovered in the moments when the vampire ceases to be a parasite, and instead becomes a person, through whatever means. All else is unimportant.

Additional Ethics of Wonderers

  • it is the experience s that make us what we are, do not hide from them
  • change is what builds the soul, and stops the beast
  • freedom is letting go, and accepting that which makes you... You
  • society gains from you, you cannot be a burden to it.
  • children build, make things and learn, you too must do this

Wonderers don't really have many practices. Much of their life is focused on bettering themselves and the world. Change is paramount. Often they will have a central community they will be a part of. Building on it, and improving it. Some choose to change some part of the worlds framework, by invention or other means. Most will travel quite a bit, as it is hard to learn everything in one location.

This is a road for a humanists. It acknowledges the fact that we are different, but that does not mean we are better. Experience and enjoy these differences. Children love to pretend to do things magical, we actually can, use this experience. It is the ability to change and grow, learn and revel in the wonderment that is existence which this path seeks to emulate. Humans experience things, build things. Whether they are community's or great works of art. Vampiric nature is static, and Un-yielding. It is by embracing humanities change and wonder that you strive off the beast.

Virtues: Conscience, Self-Control
Hierarchy of Sins against

10 Drinking blood from a human People do not prey upon their fellows
9 Refusing an opportunity to create something new All must eventually add to the world.
8 Taking away someone's free will The path you take on the road must be your choice. Never deny another that choice.
7 Shunning normal human interaction The Beast cannot thrive within the human heart.
6 Failing to provide help to a humanist Compassion and generosity are beneficial to all.
5 Refusing an opportunity to effect positive change to change is to grow, new things create wonder
4 Abusing those that follow you One must care for those that look up to you.
3 Premeditated murder Planning the ending of a life takes away from the world.
2 Killing another They are the creators of the roads and the makers of new things.
1 The most heinous and demented acts Wonder is not found in peversion