Path of the Laughing Buddha

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The Roads

The path of the Laughing Buddha (Provisional Path of Enlightenment)

Nickname: Seekers

While the Road of the Aesthetic borrows wisdom from Eastern philosophies, in a manner typical of the Undead, it remains intensely focused on the individual (the several different paths called Self Focus intersect on this point). This inward focus ignores a key trait of Buddhism and most other eastern philosophy – that the inward world can contain only half of enlightenment. The whole affects the individual, and universal enlightenment is as important as individual wisdom. This is particularly true for those who will live through generations.

It is said that the Laughing Buddha promised his followers that even though he had achieved nirvana, he would not leave them with his death. If the world had not achieved enlightenment before he died, he would continue to watch and guide those who sought enlightenment. His tears, he said, would fall from heaven in the rain as he saw the suffering of humanity. Less romantically, even though he had achieved nirvana, he chose to be reincarnated to continue to help others progress toward that exalted state. A vampire's soul has been permanently damaged (perhaps with the exception of Golconda), and cannot reincarnate or ascend. However, a vampiric soul has a unique opportunity to affect the fate of humanity as even the Buddha could not, steering humanity toward a better future through generations. Unfortunately, as an undead creature devoid of true life, universal enlightenment is his only chance – Nirvana, Heaven, or whatever advanced existence might exist is now out of reach.

This path is difficult for the undead to follow, primarily because it places little value on those who have stepped outside of the flow of human history. Life of all kinds, but particularly human life, has inherent value. Vampires (and other supernaturals) have value to universal enlightenment only insomuch as they affect the lives, beliefs, and enlightenment of humans and the living world they occupy. Most supernaturals ignorantly damage the world by selfishly manipulating affairs in their own favor to the detriment of humanity. However, they may strive to become positive influences on human society, thereby consciously advancing themselves toward the next stage of enlightenment.

This path obviously draws ideas from Buddhism as its primary inspiration, but incorporates aspects of the secular western philosophy of Utilitarianism (greatest total happiness theory), and draws from the humorous of the Samoan culture. Seekers try to improve the world around them, preferring to focus on building their own works rather than undoing the work of others. They would prefer to gently guide another toward a more harmonious life than to come into direct conflict. “You Strengthen that which you Oppose” is a common bit of Seeker wisdom. However, there are times and situations in which the only way forward is through the webs of one who is damaging the community. In these cases, or when the society or the Seeker comes under a direct threat, the Seeker may react with violence, and he or she should be prepared for that eventuality as much as any other.

The Path of the Laughing Buddha shares with other variants of the Road of the Aesthetic a focus on personal development: After all an incompetent guide is worse than no guide at all. To that end, followers are encouraged to branch out in all directions, but particularly toward skills and abilities that help them understand, guide, and blend into human society. Empathy, Auspex, Charisma, Manipulation, Leadership and Streetwise are prized, along with disciplines like Auspex that help the Seeker understand the world around him.

Ethics of the Path

  • Act in the moment, but plan for the future. Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, but always strive to understand where the road may lead.
  • Find the humor in difficult situations. Humor, happiness, and other positive emotions can help overcome the negative ones like anger and bitterness that are enhanced by the beast and distract us from enlightenment. One who can laugh at himself avoids stagnation, and is capable of growth. One who laughs at the expense of others is turning his back on the wisdom that might be gained by seeing them without prejudice.
  • Be not vengeful. While a wise person does not make the same mistake twice, revenge is destructive to the self as well as to the world.
  • The Truth is a precious and valuable thing. Gift it to the worthy, and help them grow. However, forces of decay that oppose enlightenment can make terrible use of powerful truths. Remember always that there are those, particularly among the unnatural races, that consciously strive to damage the world. Never forget the truth.
  • Always grow and adapt. Stagnation leads to entropy, which leads to the loss of enlightenment. Take opportunities to learn new things and seek new sources of wisdom.
  • As the world around you grows, so do you. Nurture it, and it will nurture you. Neglect or damage it, and it will contribute to your downfall.
  • As a vampire, there are no more new chances. Mortals may take small steps toward enlightenment in each life, stumbling forward ever so slowly. A vampire may only advance along with the world.
  • Enlightenment can only be sought. Teach others to seek it.
  • Desperate people seek basic physical necessities at any cost. Only those who have can choose to nurture their souls. Provide for those around you when you can, and provide the opportunity for them to learn as well.
  • Never turn down one who genuinely seeks wisdom. Take what precautions are necessary, but a seeking soul may be lead astray if not guided.
  • Enlightenment cannot be forced, and slave cannot achieve enlightenment. Allow others the freedom of choice, and make sure that you make your own choices free of coercion.
  • Never encourage another to act in a way that interferes with his own spiritual advancement.
  • Understand yourself and your motivations. Control your impulses. Never let them control you. Find a constructive, or at least neutral, outlet for your destructive impulses. This constant vigilance is the only defense against the Beast.
  • All beings have equal inherent value, and are worthy of respect. Caste and class distinctions are created by selfish beings who seek to hoard worldly power. Be respectful to all, and treat all in a manner appropriate to their actions.
  • Always strive to understand the motivations of others. First impressions can easily be wrong.

The Path of the Laughing Buddha follows the virtues of self control and conscience.


1 - Forcing another to bend to your will (through disciplines or forceful coercion). - Unwilling individuals cannot progress toward enlightenment.

2 - Failing to seek the humor in a frustrating situation. - Humor is a buffer between you and the dangerous urges of the Beast.

3 - Acting out of anger, fear, or other negative emotion (including frenzy). - The Beast represents the least enlightened impulses of the soul.

4 - Allowing yourself to be forced into an action (through supernatural power or threat). - You must make your own decisions, or you will be the tool of the unenlightened.

5 - Failing to meditate for at least one hour each night. - Constantly strive to understand yourself.

6 - Killing a mortal who has free will. - Dead people cannot help the world evolve.

7 - Allowing yourself to stagnate. - Corruption thrives in still water.

8 - Failing to help the mortal community to find the basic necessities of survival – Desperate people will resort to desperate measures, and often damage one another.

9 - Putting your own needs ahead of the enlightenment of a mortal. - Mortal enlightenment is the only thing that can, ultimately, save you.

10 - Not opposing those who subvert the wills of mortal beings. - Opposition need not be overt, but the world must be allowed to progress, else all are lost.