Path of Ecstasis

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The Roads

Come to me. I will deliver you from the constraints society had put on you and your life. I will show you the truth behind the lies taught by your priests. I will tell you why, and thus, open your mind to the Greatest Truth.

And you'll like it. All the way... Theti-Sheri, High Priestess of Iaret.

Nickname: Ecstasists, Sensualists, Followers of Ecstasy, Followers of Iaret.

Basic Beliefs: At first, research for simple freedom of soul was the central principle of this Path, but with the centuries, Ecstasists evolved in spiritual research and enlightment by the use of sensations which could led to an higher state of soul called Ecstasis, in a similar, but opposite way other religions stressed the need for material privation to reach peace of mind.

Ecstasists truely believe they have found the spiritual state humanity would have reached if Maat had not been corrupted: Truth as they disrupt the illusions of goodness of self-imposed privation, Spirituality as they discover a state of mind beyond animal and human one throught acceptance of sensation as necessary and new experiences to understand themselves and the universe, and Balance as they use self-control to remain masters instead of becoming victims of their sensations.

For the ecstasists, Set was the first to realize that (thus, the existence of the Path of Set) and is the guide and god of the spiritualists. In way s similar to christianity, other gods (usually female ones), like Iaret or Ishtar, were incorporated into the rituals of the Ecstasists as the christians incorporated Saints into their pantheon, to easy the conversion of others.

Instead of the Typhonists, which place Set as the central figure of their Path, Ecstasists place their virtues as centrale principle of their Path: They follow Set not as would blind (and thus unenlightened) followers, but knowing faithfully that Set support the same principles. This subtle difference is source of no little friction between the Typhonists and the Ecstasists.

Unlike others followers of Set, the Ecstasists easily convert others to their own faith. Because their views about freedom of sensation is at first easier to come to others than privation of sensation stressed by other Paths, and because Set is more described as an enlightened guide than a all-powerful and unreachable god. In the end, their vision of Balance is more appealing than total corruption and/or anihilation. It offers hope of free, self-spiritual enlightment instead of eternal servitude born from orignal sin or birth.

This is not to say they are humans in a spiritual sense. The Path of Humanity is for them what made the humans evolve beyond the state of animals, but now is what stops the humans to evolve beyond their focillised spiritual state. They often have the appearance of sensation junkies, but they view sensation as a tool, not an end in itself. Only through pushing the boundries of what has been experienced before may they reach Ecstasis and thus, spiritual perfection instead of spiritual denial.

To the Ecstasists, no matter the Clan of the subject, a Follower of Ecstasis will aknowledge as a fellow Setite the subject if she follows a Path of Set. In the other hand, a Setite by the blood who don't follow (or try to convert to) a Path of Set is considered as a member of another Clan.

The ways of the Ecstasists and other Setites are the same.

Ethics of the Path

  • Only through Set's example may we transcend to a perfect state.
  • To resist temptation is a great wrong, but to lose control is a wrong even greater.
  • Pursuit of pleasure is a spiritual obligation. Those who spurn luxury and hedonism seek to befoul the spirit with grossness, and are misguided. .
  • Ecstasis is the next step in Spiritual Evolution. We must research Ecstasis, and we must teach Ecstasis.
  • Privation is akin spiritual fossilisation. Social orders promoting privation must be destroyed.
  • Never tolerate privation-based philosophies to go unquestionned. Never tolerate privation-based religions to convert.
  • Innocence is ignorance quoted as an example. Either enlighten the innocent, or destroy it.
  • Unenlightened are of no use but what one can take from them, and can be a nuisance. Murder is one viable (if uninspired) solution to the problem.
  • Physical ugliness should not be promoted, including ugliness of sentient creatures. If possible, it should be corrected.


Vampire of the Path of Ecstasis subscribe to the virtues of Conviction and Self-Control.

Path of Ecstasis Score Moral Guideline Rationale

1O Pursuing one's own indulgences instead of another's We are priests of Set, not simple followers. Thus we must share our virtues, not keep them to ourselves.

9 Refusing to aid another follower of the Path The Path of Set is a path to freedom of the soul, and anyone following it is worthy of help.

8 Failing to destroy a vampire in Golconda Golconda is the artificial and unnatural state of desires denied, and thus is a prison of the soul.

7 Failing to observe Setite religious ritual This is akin to denying Set.

6 Failing to undermine the current social order in favor of the Setites Order is a egoistical and purposeless prison. Destroy the walls to enlighten the prisonners.

5 Failing to do whatever is possible to enlighten another The Path of Set is a path to freedom of the soul, and anyone should be shown the way.

4 Failing to pursue arcane knowledge The mysteries of Set's resurrection may be hidden anywhere.

3 Obstructing another Setite's efforts The ranks of the righteous are not place for petty power plays.

2 Failing to take advantage of another's weakness Others should not be conforted into upholding their petty principles.

1 Refusing to aid Set's resurrection Set is our God and our Guide into freedom.


In Ancient Egypt, Maat was understood as Truth and Balance. But soon, this philosophical concept was altered into Truth and Order, denying the individuality and personnal desires of each human to replace them with blind faith toward Order and its representants: Ra, Osiris and Pharao. The Followers of Set refused to abide to this conception of Maat, and most of them took the mantle of the adversary, denying Maat altogether.

Among them, a few individuals remembered the need for balance, and that Set once fought for Balance and defended Ra against Apep. While still following the moral guidelines of the Path of Set, they choose to research the reasons behind these principles by studying the life of humanity before it was put the shackles of Order.

Their contact with a Toreador Methuselah helped them define their spiritual view of the universe, while refusing to fall to purposeless hedonism. Studying the Path of Sutekh for centuries, they came out with their own, almost altruistic, interpretation of it: Set had fought to free the souls from their spiritual chains, and thus, showing these souls the way to spiritual enlightment was akin to help Set in his fight against Order.

Freedom to love, desire and feel had been denied to humanity by cold principles upholding exagered restraint and self-control. The first converts of this Path described their feelings as a spiritual happiness, and called it Ecstasis, thus giving the name to their Path, replacing the place the corrupted Maat once held in their heart.

The sect that would become the Theophidians never fully accepted the Ecstasists, believing them to be simple hedonists which corrupted themselves instead of corrupting others. The sect that followed the Path of Sutekh tolerated the Ecstasists existence, accepting their interpretation as a viable one, thus insuring their continued existence.

After the fall of and the New Empire and the rise of the Osiris/Isis influence, the Ecstasists principles had evolved from research of freedom to spiritual enlightment by the means of sensations. They ad diluted their principles to adore openly Iaret, Ishtar, Astarte or even Bastet as concubines of Set, adoring the Dark God through these Godesses (including others Godesses of similar portfolios when they appeared, as was Aphrodite/Venus).

It is believed that a misunderstood Path of Ecstasis mixed with christian mythos evolved into the Path of Cathari.

Current Practices

Ecstasists usually become (ironically!) Osirises, as they build layer inside layers of cults of mortal and vampires alike, where the first layers are used to make the convert slowly accept his own denied desires (as opposed to instincts!), and the last to accept the whole philosophy (and thus, convert to the Path of Ecstasis). As each mortal evolve in his spiritual quest, he enters the next layer. In the end, promising mortals (i.e.: Those converted to the Path of Ecstasis) are considered suitable for the Embrace. For Vampires, this is similar. The two type of cults do not usually coexists.

At first, the Rituals involve the adoration of Aphrodite, Iaret, and other (usually mythological godesses or forgotten religions) divinities as symbol of physical pleasures. As the follower advance in rank (and the follower slowly becomes a priest in the cult), the Godesses are slowly discarded as concubines of Set and as symbolic avatars of the principles the Ecstasists follow, and representation of Set are revered in their stead (at that time, the convert already follow the Path of Set, or is converting...).

Like the other Followers of Set, the Ecstasists play many roles, while not above doing the dirty work themselves.

Description of Followers

Ecstasists appear like the other Followers of the Paths of Set, but are known to be art patrons and to merge seamlessly with the Toreador, as their ways appear similar. They revere beauty, not for the beauty itself, but for the spiritual teaching it can propagate. They are more tolerated by the Camarilla than the other Setites, as they fully support the Elysium (forced conversion is akin to no conversion at all. Social gathering are the easiest way to compare, discuss and start convertions) and the Masquerade (for practical reasons only).

Of course, they rarely ask favors, but easily help others, if only to help them satisfy their desires, and thus open them to their own supressed desires. As the converted is offered to join the Followers, the only ones left behind are those who still value their principles but failed at least once to uphold them because of their desires. Those are the greatest voices against the Ecstasists.

Following the Path

Like the other Followers of Paths of Set, the Ecstasists are foremost seekers or arcane lore, but their interests often lead them to explore the ways of mortal and vampire minds and bodies, and to exploit that knowledge to confront their subject to the paradoxes of the principles their value, to better convert them. With Kindred, they act openly, if only to build a start of trust, but with subtle ways. They hide the full implications of the Path they follow (adoration of Set, etc.), but usually let everyone know their spiritual question through search of sensations (some will be interested in a philosophical way, and thus, will perhaps convert, and other will be lured by their own lust, and will, if they go beyong their basest desires, perhaps become good converts). They cultivate their relations with artists and other Toreador-like, beauty adoring, Kindred.

The Ecstasists have an intolerant viewpoint toward ugliness. By linking spiritual evolution to physical sensations (among others), they have philosophicaly linked the body and the mind. While their vision of beauty could shock some more human Kindred, they believe ugliness to be a physical binding able to stop spiritual evolution (either because the ugliness disgusts the follower, or because the ugliness makes difficult for the ugly to reach Ecstasis). This is even truer with the Nosferatu, as their physical difformity removes the a full range of possibilities of sensations to them (how can one reach ecstasis by playing piano with ravaged hands, or taste delicate blood with a foul mouth?). Furthermore, their relation with Nosferatu in the Dark Ages taught the Setites about the martyr/religious Nosferatu who considered them no better than the Satan of their religions trying to make them fail into their road to Heavens. the Ecstasists usually avoid dealing with them. In fact, most of them view uglyness as a sin, and the Embrace of new Nosferatu as a cruel act similar to castration, thus making the Ecstasists opponents (if not ennemies) of the local Nosferatu (and the like).

Common Abilities: Like the others Followers, they value Empathy, Performance, Politics, Subterfuge, etc., but never put a particular ability as central to their own spiritual growth or conversion.

Preferred Disciplines: Serpentis, but also Presence and Obfuscate. Auspex is also valued for the range of the new sensations it offers, and in the Dark Ages, Vicissitude became one of the Disciplines the Ecstasists would give much to have access to...