Ottomar Specht

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Tremere -x- Dresden

Tremere Ottomar Specht.jpg

Sobriquet: Regent of the Third Circle.

Appearance: Ottomar Specht stands just under six feet tall, and as height means something to this Tremere, he often wears shoes or boots with an additional inch heel to give him that last little bit of elevation to suit his machismo. He also finds that heels of this sort are excellent for concealing certain small items that might not go unnoticed otherwise. In terms of clothing, he follows the latest German designers and trends, while maintaining a large closet for the more conservative fashions expected of a Tremere Regent. In his private life, he prefers the Italian fashions for men, especially the trendy clothing of Milan. Ottomar wears a wide assortment of occult jewelry, which strangely changes on a regular basis. In his role as regent, he usually carries an ornate umbrella with an engraved haft and an ebony wood handle bound in gold filigree. Specht is a snob for shoe leather and wears only the very best in German and Italian variations. On official occasions he wears expensive colognes, but in general prefers to scent his person with the rare incense of hermetic arts. The regent is always clean shaven, but his style of hair changes with the seasons and unlike most vampires, he keeps up with each new style as it appears.

Behavior: While Ottomar was born in the nineteenth century and Embraced in the twentieth, he is very much a twenty-first century vampire. Herr Specht has superb social skills and knows his dinner fork from the salad or dessert variety and where all such utensils should be placed at the dinner table. He can make small talk for hours without discussing anything of import, but prefers to talk about current events and their effect on the mortal world. Ottomar is a skilled dancer, speaks several modern European languages and enjoys poetry. And while he is something of a dandy for a Tremere, he also possesses a kind of impersonal calm that one comes to expect from life long academia.


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