Osama Khalid

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Sofia-Grad / Cairo

Description: Apparent age: Early 40s. Osama is a man of stern aspect and gloomy stride. His considerable prowess of as a warrior is evident in every facet of his appearance, and only the bravest or most congenitally stupid would commit even the slightest insult upon his person. Strangely, those who afford him genuine respect (beyond their initial fear) are often rewarded with equally genuine esteem.

Notes: The gray cast of this warrior’s skin, his exotic accent and his manner of dressing in the traditional clothing of a Bedouin marks this man as a son of the lands of faith. He came to Sofia in the company of Jeremy Sanderson when that blue blood returned from his trip to Cairo. According to Osama, he is a member of the Sunnite caste of Islam and fell into a violent disagreement with members of the Shi’ite caste who took it upon themselves to end the disagreement by attacking him en masse and without warning. It was during the fury of the fight that Osama took serious injury and was within a handbreadth of the final death when Jeremy Sanderson threw his lot in with Osama and turned the tide of the fight. Thereafter, Osama swore an oath to Allah, that he would follow this man until he had repaid the blood debt.

Current Events: Osama bears a letter of from Muhktar Bey, the Mamluke prince of Cairo. In this letter he praises Osama’s every virtue and attests to his forthright adherence to the traditions.

In about 2015, Osama left Sofia, and disappeared, presumably back into Cairo.

Secrets: Unknown to almost anyone, Osama is actually Al'Muquatim, a True Brujah from Cairo, and dominion of the Tal'Ma'Reh. He is in Sofia learning Thaumaturgy from Jeremy Sanderson.

Osama's Statistics