Oath of Twilight

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Supernatural Merits & Flaws

3 Point Merit

You have been initiated into the elite brotherhood of the True Knights of the Setting Sun, fearsome hunters of the most savage and deadly of the world's Cainites, the Soulless. You have received their induction ceremony, and now wear their brand upon your left shoulder. You may have even slain one of the Soulless already. You may have even slain one of the Soulless already. Your devotion to the Road of Humanity (above and beyond that which even many knights of the Twilight Order feel toward their cause) serves as your sword and armor in battle against the foes of your fellowship. Your Aura modifier (if favorable) modifies all difficulties directly related to combat with one of the Soulless. (In other words, a Prodigal with a Road of Humanity score of 8 would subtract -1 from all difficulty numbers, such as attack, damage or soak rolls, or for rolls to activated Disciplines, directly related to battling the Soulless.) However, if you ever turn from the road of Humanity, you lose this merit forever. Note that you do not strictly need this Merit to belong to the Twilight Order; it instead represents a particularly fierce sense of dedication to the Order's cause.