Night Shades

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Obtenebration 8

The Cainite has gained such power over Obtenebration's dark energies that he may summon creatures made of shadow itself. There is much debate as to the true nature of these night shades. Some claim they are damned souls brought back to the land of the living. Others state they are animated darkness. Still others think of them as extensions of the vampire's own black spirit. A few Cainites have pointed out that these may all be one and the same...

System: The player must spend one Willpower and five Blood Points to invoke a Night Shade (so if three of the creatures are summoned, the player must pay three Willpower and 15 Blood Points). The vampire drips the blood into his own shadow, creating a doorway through which the Night Shade enters this world. The shade can only emerge from the character's own shadow but may move about freely thereafter. Once created, the shade is ready to serve the Cainite.

The Lasombra may call up to three of these tenebrous forms at any time. While weapons strike them as effectively as if they were mortal, they suffer no wound penalties from such blows (although the shades dissipate if their health Level drops to Incapacitated). The Night Shades' dark forms possess some sort of awareness, as they are able to carry out their summoner's verbal directions and even act independently when required to. Barring their untimely destruction, the shades do the vampire's bidding for the remainder of that night, and vanish at dawn.

Night Shade

Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0
Mental Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 5
Virtues Conviction -, Instinct -, Courage 5
Talents: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 1
Skills: Stealth 8
Knowledges: none
Disciplines: Obtenebration 3. A Night Shade is considered to be in Tenebrous Form at all times, though it may attack and be injured by mundane means.
Blood Pool: 0, Willpower: 5
Other Information: A Night Shade senses things in ways mortals cannot comprehend. It is not blinded by light (although flame injures it as does any other attack), and it is not affected by illusions or by darkness, natural or unnatural. The Night Shade's deathly-cold touch does aggravated damage. finally, the Night Shade need not spend Blood Points to use its Disciplines.