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The tale of the Nemean Lion is well known. As the first of his 12 labors, Heracles fought and killed the deadly Nemean Lion, a great beast whose hide was so tough that arrows bounced off it. Undaunted, Heracles simply grappled the beast and choked it to death. Then, he stripped the lion’s skin with its own claws and wore it as a cloak for protection.

Today, Scions often use the term “nemean” to denote any mundane animal, usually a predatory or otherwise aggressive one, that has been infused with the power of the Titans. This infusion causes the creature to become much larger than a typical specimen of its type and also to gain incredible toughness. A nemean beast is twice as large as a regular animal of its type, and doubles its Physical Attributes and health levels. A nemean also gains two dots to be distributed among Physical Epic Attributes, plus one dot for every point of Legend it has. Finally, the creature’s hide gains supernatural toughness, adding +4A/8L/8B to its normal soak. A sample nemean is described here, but the effects of being a nemean can be applied to any sort of animal.