National Archeological Museum - Cagliari

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Description: This represents the most important collection of nuragic civilizations of the world. But it also hosts many finds of the pre-nuragic, Phoenician, Punic and Roman age. On the ground floor a compendium of the island history from the Neolithic to the Middle age is showcased, following a chronological order, and supported by numerous illustrative panels. Among the most remarkable collections is the one relative to the pre-nuragic culture of the Ozieri (3500-2700 years b.c.), of East origins, an important testimony of the cultural proximity between the East and West Mediterranean. This civilization has left many handmade articles, which we also find in the Greek islands of the Aegean sea: from the terracotta pots engraved on argyle, often coloured in red ochre or white paste; to the feminine statues of Cycladic type, representing Mother Earth.

The most important nucleon is represented, however, by the numerous bronzes of the Nuragic age. They are very realistic objects, representing warriors, mothers, animals, ships, supernatural beings belonging to an ancestral world, all of them probably used as ex-votos or ornaments.

On the first floor are collected, in topographical order, the materials coming from the territories and the city of Cagliari, as the objects found in the <<Necropolis of Tuvixeddu>>, while a whole section is dedicated to the finds coming from the Phoenician’s settlement of <<Tharros>>.