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Rome -- medieval

Rome rione I monti logo.png


Monti is the name of one of the thirteen Rioni of Rome, rione I. The name literally means mountains in Italian and comes from the fact that the Esquiline and the Viminal Hills, and parts of the Quirinal and the Caelian Hills belonged to this rione. Its logo consists of three green mountains with three tops on a silver background.


In ancient times the rione was densely populated: in Monti there were the Forum Romanum and the so-called Suburra: this was the place poor people lived, full of disreputable locals and brothels.

In the Middle Ages the situation was completely different: the Roman aqueducts were damaged, and it was very difficult to bring water to Monti since it was on the hills. Hence many inhabitants moved to Campus Martius, a lower level part, where they could drink the water from the river Tiber.

From the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 19th century, the rione remained an area full of vineyards and market gardens. Monti was not densely populated because of the lack of water and because it was quite far from the Vatican, the center of Christian culture. The area did not become abandoned thanks to the church of San Giovanni in Laterano and the constant high number of pilgrims.

Still in the Middle Ages the inhabitants of Monti, called monticiani, developed a strong identity: their Roman dialect was different from that spoken in the other rioni. Their main enemies were the people from the other rione with a strong identity, Trastevere, and they often used to fight with one another.


Ludus Magnus (the gym for gladiators)
Domus Aurea of Nero
Baths of Trajan
Baths of Titus
Forum Romanum
Marketplace of Trajan

Loci Greges


For centuries, the rioni of Monti was without Cainite residents. About a century ago, Gracis Nostinus took up residence in the easter most, hilly portion of the district. During the struggles of 1084, Gracis proved himself useful in brokering the peace between the invading Norman Ventrue and the Roman Lasombra. For his age, linage and service to Rome, Gracis was made dominus (master) of Monti. In 1094, Artemisia of the Brujah saved Gracis from final death and was granted the western half of the district as her domain.

Gracis Nostinus -- The Loyal Son
Songül -- The Cartomancer - {Turkish} -- Now called Artemisia.
