Moment of Grace

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Discipline Techniques

Dominate 4, Presence 3

The Road of Heaven is the one true way, and anyone who doubts that ultimately courts Hell. Truly powerful Faithful can impose not only their way of thinking, but their very Via on other Cainites for a short time. All that is required is a touch and a glance, and even the foulest Sinner or most animalistic Feral becomes one of God's own, if only for a short time. Some Cainites have been known to end their own existences rather than regress to their former brutality. Others experience a moment of truth while under the effects. All, however, are bound by the Via Caeli.

System: The player spends a Willpower point and a blood point, and rolls Road (difficulty of the target's Road rating). This power does not function on other Faithful, nor does it function on targets with higher Road ratings than the user.

If the roll succeeds, the target's road changes to the Road of heaven including whatever path the character follows, if any) for one scene. The target's effective Road rating is equal to the number of successes the player rolls, so it is impossible for a target of this power to wind up more "advanced" along the Road of Heaven than the wielder. while this power is in effect, the target must check for degeneration if she sins against the Road of Heaven, rather than her actual road. Any dots of road lost during this time, however, carry over when the scene ends. Often, victims of this power wind up even more depraved than before.

Example: Marciano, a Lasombra priest of the Cainite heresy, is assaulted by a Ventrue Scion. Realizing that this Warlord is simply misguided, Marciano's player rolls the Lasombra's Road rating (eight dice) against a difficulty of six (the Ventrue's road rating) and scores five successes. For the next scene, the Ventrue "converts" to the Road of Heaven and has a functional Road rating of five. During that time, the Warlord frenzies and kills one of marciano's ghoul servants. this murder of an innocent requires a roll to see if the Ventrue degenerates, which the player fails. When the scene ends, the Ventrue returns to his normal morality (the Road of Kings) but finds his soul strangely weakened - the degeneration carries over, leaving him with a Road rating of five.

Experience cost: 28