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The Changing Breeds

Where Are All the Dragons?

The Mokolé are a Changing Breed based on a group of reptiles. Most of these reptiles being all forms of alligators and crocodiles, however some smaller reptiles such as monitor lizards and Gila monsters have made it in the the Mokolé breeding stock. Created by Gaia and the Wyld, they are the first Changing Breed, and no matter what scale they come from they were given a task to hold above all others.
To Remember.
Acting as Gaia's memory, a Mokolé's Mnesis, their memory, shows them things that may have happened in the past century to the age in which dinosaurs roamed the earth. It isn't any wonder that they tend to mistrust, or even out right hate the Garou. For them, the days when the Eggsmashers defiled their nests and attacked them in the Wars of Rage were only a day away in their minds. After all they remember everything.
Along with the Mokolé's impressive memory, is also an even more intimidating form. For when the weresaurians under go their first change, their Crinos or Archid as they call it, does not take but one form. But many. They Dream this form into existence, thus it gives them the claim to their rightful secondary name; Dragon-shifters.