Modern Path of Night

From The World Is A Vampire
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The Roads

Nickname: Nihilists

Among the kine, psychologists, law-enforcement officers and philosophers argue about the nature of "evil." Does it exist? Can it be measured? Isn't all action and intent relative?

The vampires of the Path of Night answered these questions long ago. Evil exists. It hungers. Vampires, the Damned, are emissaries and harbingers of the Ultimate Evil - the Abyss, Hell, the dark, all-consuming void. Only by accepting their nature and duties as monsters can the Children of Caine free themselves from the thrall of the Beast.

Evil, to these creatures, is the embodiment of the forces that tear at the great order of things. Vampires, as beings unnaturally suspended between life and death, are the most unnatural and thus the most evil beings of all. It is their role in the system to be the viruses that break everything down. If the system is strong, it will resist. If not (and it doesn't seem to be), Cainites will eat it away so that a newer and perhaps better world can be born. Being evil through and through, followers of this path would seek to dismantle even the most exalted of paradises.

This is a lonely and terrible course. Its followers are among the most Beast-wracked undead in existence; that within must be truly awful if one must escape it in this fashion. Vampires dedicated to this way are some of the most brutal, monstrous, foul beings in existence. Their only consolation is that they, not some uncontrollable force within themselves, direct their theater of misery.

Basic Beliefs: