Mind's Eye

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Discipline Techniques

Auspex 4, Dominate 3

With this power, a vampire can actually experience a memory belonging to someone else. Sight, sound, scent and other details - all are potentially just as intense as they were for the subject when they first occurred. While Mind's Eye can be used on a cooperative subject who simply wishes to provide the most accurate report possible, it is often used as a form of interrogation and intelligence gathering.

System: The character must make eye contact with the subject (unless she possesses a power that allows her to use Dominate with touch or at a distance, in which case she may use these other techniques instead), and the player must spend a blood point. If the subject is cooperating, or is an unwilling mortal or Kindred of higher generation than the character, the character need merely make a Perception + Subterfuge roll, difficulty 6. The power may not be used on Kindred of lower generation than the user, as per the rules of Dominate. The character may attempt to locate a specific memory in one of two ways. She may either search by time ("Let me see what was happening to you yesterday at midnight") or by event ("I'm going to find out what you said to him at your last meeting!") A botch instead allows the subject to see one of the character's memories (chosen randomly by the Storyteller) and renders that subject immune to any further uses of Mind's Eye by that specific character for the remainder of the scene.

The clarity of the memories experienced depends on the successes rolled and the time elapsed since the events actually occurred. The elapsed time indicated on the table below is for clear, accurate memories only; the character can actually experience memories of one category older, but with a substantial loss of detail and accuracy (Storyteller's call as to what is correct and what is not).

Successes Age of the Memories Available
1 success Within the last hour
2 Within the last day
3 Within the last week
4 Within the last month
5+ Memories up to one year old per success over 4.

Experience Cost: 28