Mickael Rondagor

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Paris -P- Tremere -P- Tremere History in Paris

Hermione Rondagor.jpg

Sobriquet: Hermione

Appearance: A woman of light brown hair and blue eyes. Hermione is a transsexual that was embraced in the middle of the process. She has small breasts, and male genitalia. Hermione tries hard to look like a young Emma Thompson.

Behavior: A very serious rule follower, and fact machine. The only areas that Hermione stepped out of the rules was in changing his sex.

History: Born the bookish son of two college professors, Hermione grew up a confused boy. Once in his teens he began to explore the idea that he was a woman trapped in a mans body. Hermione has a great memory, and fantastic calculation abilities. Once he reached the age of twenty he began the process of transforming himself into a woman. At this time, because of a Harry Potter binge, his friends started calling him Hermione and it stuck.

Recent Events: Hermione is looking for someone to enable him to access vicissitude, so he can be the woman he wants to be. Of course he understands this means making deals with the Sabbat...
