Methuselean Thirst

From The World Is A Vampire
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Supernatural Merits & Flaws

No matter how much you drink, the blood of mortals, much that of animals, is too thin and weak to provide you with sustenance. You must subsist on the blood of other Vampires, though other Supernaturals (primarily Gaoru or Fey) will do in a pinch. This flaw usually manifests in those who have survived long past their first millennium, though particularly rash elders may experience it sooner. The Storyteller must decide exactly when the flaw manifests in a vampire's existence, though there are several behaviors that may be considered "tempting fate." Conversely, masters of Animalism, particularly those who have mastered the power Animal Succulence are thought to be much less at risk of succumbing to this thirst.

  • Embracing Many Childer (more than one per century)
  • Feeding from Vampires
  • Diablerie
  • Extended Torpor
  • Low Path Rating.
  • Frequent frenzies (particularly uncontrolled frenzies).
  • Holding Blood Bonds.
  • Being of powerful blood (low generation).