Melanie Summers

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Sobriquet: Kitty, actually a hacker nickname from before the Embrace. As she has yet to manifest any animal features.



History: Growing up on the mean streets of the St.Louis Melanie did what she had to do to survive, no matter how unpleasant. By the time she was twelve, she had a police record and by the time she was fifteen Melanie had seen time in St.Louis correctional facility for young women. It was there that she laid hands on her first computer, though it cost her some serious sexual favors. By the time she had finished her sentence, Melanie was selling stolen data, instead of her ass. For a few years, things went well, until she was contracted for a data theft on a black-site database. Her employer failed to mention that the people he was having her investigate were vampires. Xaviar found her sometime after her heart stopped, but that was acceptable because he got his data and Melanie got immortality. Now she works for Xaviar as his modern security consultant and private data thief.

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