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Auspex 7

Similar to a continuous state of Eyes of Chaos, a Malkavian (or other mad Vampire) with this power can look into the world and see a level beyond the current state of reality. This looks like a collage of shifting forms, but the Malkavian understands it and knows everything that goes on in that plane, without regard to physical barriers, distance or even time. He can see things hidden in objective reality, like Obfuscated creatures, the insides of locked safes, and the fact that his lupine ally is really a shape-changed mage.

It is easy for the Malkavian to see all of reality. The difficult part is knowing how to reference that moving tapestry to return to the physical plane of waking reality. The Storyteller will explain what the Malkavian understands of the other lane through riddles, metaphors, or stream-of-consciousness babbling, and it is up to the player to interpret it.

While in the Melange state, all the player's rolls use half the number of dice (round up), and the character is prone to mutter incoherently and bump into things as she walks. The Storyteller should feel free to enforce this one the player, as well.