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Chimerstry 9

Arguably the philosopher's stone for Shilmulo, this penultimate expression of Chimerstry allows the Ravnos to directly alter or create real objects or creatures, although such changes are of finite duration. A Ravnos with this power can transform the air around a rival Kindred into fire or render a locked door insubstantial. A more harrowing use of this power enables the Ravnos to force an object out of existence by transforming it into nothing more than a wisp of its former reality.

Path of Paradox philosophers point to this power as the only "true" use of Chimerstry, claiming all others are distractions or stepping stones to this profound understanding. Since the Week of Nightmares, it's likely that no surviving Ravnos has mastered Chimerstry to this degree.

System: To use this power, the player must spend 10 blood points and one permanent Willpower point and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge. Difficulty for the roll is 6 for affecting inanimate objects, and the victim's Willpower score for affecting characters. This power can affect anything within miles of the Ravnos, as long as the character is aware of the target in some way. If used with Far Fatuus, the effects are centered on the chosen location. This power can affect a number of conscious targets equal to the Ravnos' Willpower per use.

When dealing with inanimate objects, the number of successes determines how drastic the alteration may be. No matter how many successes the player rolls, the duration is always a scene. This power can affect any objects of a type within the Ravnos' area affected.

1 success Render an object harmless (swords won't cut, firearms won't shoot), create a large volume of obscuring smoke
2 Change an object into another object (turn candles into tarantulas, etc.)
3 Render the object insubstantial, make smoke solid
4 Cause drastic changes (stone becomes highly flammable)
5 Cause the environment to behave illogically (gravity twists sideways, rivers stand still as hills flow upward)
6+ Delete any offending material objects from existence. This effect is permanent

To use this on conscious targets, follow the system described below.

For example, Marizhavashti Kali is awakened from her centuries-long slumber by the entrance of hunters into her haven. Shaking the cobwebs of centuries from her mind, she sees four hunters approach her with stakes ready. She focuses her full power on the stakes, transforming them into deadly spitting cobras.

When using the power on conscious targets, consult the table above for alterations (such as forcing the victim into another form or transforming her into a different substance). If using the power to negate the victim's existence, the power inflicts two levels of unsoakable aggravated damage per success. If the power doesn't kill the victim, subtract one dot of Strength and Stamina per success. The damage must be healed normally, but the lost Attributes return at the end of the scene. Victims of this power look hazy and insubstantial. Victims destroyed with this power simply vanish.