Mass Summons

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Animalism 8

This power allows the character to summon all the animals in the vicinity. While this power does not place the animals under her control, the use of other Animalism powers should be enough to ensure their aid. Even if this is not the case, the summoned animals are unlikely to attack the summoner. Additionally, the summoner can, if she desires, specify the types of animals she wants to respond - thus calling dogs and rats, but no cats.

System: Using this power requires a Manipulation + Leadership roll (difficulty 7 ). Each success allows the user to affect a wider area. There are two sets of distances listed; the former should be used when the vampire employs this power in a city, while the latter should be used when the vampire makes the call in a wilderness area.

Successes Effect
1 All summoned animals within one city block/half mile respond unless something actively prevents them from so doing (i.e., a dog's master says stay). Ghoul animals do not respond.
2 All summoned animals within two blocks/one mile respond unless it would be life-threatening to do so. Ghoul animals do not respond.
3 All summoned animals within five blocks/five miles respond unless it would be life-threatening to do so. Ghoul animals do not respond.
4 All summoned animals within a half mile/seven miles respond unless it would be life-threatening to do so. At this level of success, even ghoul animals answer the summons.
5 All summoned animals within one mile/10 miles respond.